Now that your process is ready to go live, remove yourself from any of the roles you will not be involved in.
Step 1: Edit Your Process. Slide your process back into 'Under Construction' then slide it over into the work space column (2). Click the "Table View" to efficiently change the role assignments of each task that you no longer want to be assigned to. The drop down menu will provide you with the available roles on that team.
Step 2: Edit the Team Leader Role to assign the proper user to that role. You can either click on the role within the Organization Workspace to edit or find "Roles" under the Admin Menu to edit a role. Click on the role name and edit the from using the drop down menu of available users. Re-assign all other roles that you have temporarily assigned to yourself.
Assign yourself a role on the team if you would like to continue to have direct access to this version of the process for edit purposes.
Step 3: Right click on the name of the process in the 'under construction' and select 'LIVE'
Step 4: Test the process one more time with all of the team members.