Import Data - Bulk Action Tasks


View Overview Video of Bulk Action Task Import here

PLEASE read our guide as well.  The data import can work extremely well and save you a lot of time on conversion from your paper documents.  However, errors in your file can create extra work for you.  Included with this article is the template for bulk action task import.  If you are interested in importing your human resources, contact us for assistance and we will assist in the process. 

So, let's get started at the Admin menu.  

Step 1. Select the Import Data function.  



Step 2: Select the Import Bulk Action Tasks.  (Import Resources is still under development!) 

Search for your file to upload by clicking on the button highlighted below:


Once you have selected your file from your source, the file will appear:


Step 4: Click 'Save' to activate the upload:

You will see the upload in process:


NOTE: If there is a problem with your file, the upload may continually cycle or you may receive an error message.  To break the cycle, refresh your browser and return to your file to look for formatting errors.  If you do not see an error, please contact us and we will take a look at your file and help you out!

Step 5: To complete the process upload, click 'OK'


Step 6: Refresh your browser and head to your Process Workspace  Your new process will appear under your team folder.  Slide it up to Under Construction and over into the workspace to take a look at the import and complete the process.  The only information that needs to be filled in is the process description.

Step 7: Now head over to your Organization Workspace. If you have created a new team, all roles will have been created as well.  You must select a TEAM LEADER.  Find your new team in the Organization Workspace org. tree, and click on the role you would like to assign as team leader.   The form will open, check the Team Leader box and save.

Now review and improve your process and assign your users to the roles!


(1) If you upload a process and it is in your team folder, you can upload additional tasks into that process by using the same process name in the next import file.  If you use similar sequence numbers, the new tasks will trail directly behind each of the previously uploaded tasks with the same sequence number. 

To add to the end of the previously uploaded file, make sure you use new higher value sequence numbers, and if you'd like the tasks to be imported to the beginning of the process, use lower sequence numbers. For this to work, the process you are importing to must reside in your Team folder.

(2) If you have moved your process into UNDER CONSTRUCTION, and then try to upload additional tasks as described in (1), you will create a new process under your team folder with the same  process name.  If you do this in error, drag the new process under construction and delete it. 

(3) If you performed (2) and now have two processes with the same name, and both are sitting in your team folder, you will not be able to add more steps via import to either process as 9yahds won't know which process to assign the import to.  Hence, you need to move one of the processes back to Under Construction and continue importing just to the process that resides in your Team folder.

(4) The import will only work as well as the quality of your file.  Typo's in the process name, role name or team name will result in creation of extra processes, teams and roles.  So, check your work!

File Format:

Sample download available at the bottom of this article. 

Column A: Header = Task Type

Content: Each type should just be filled with the word 'action'.  At this time, only action tasks can be uploaded.  You must add your decision tasks, branches, connectors and escalations once you have uploaded the file.

Column B: Header = SEQ

Content: If you wish your tasks to be delivered in sequential order, we recommend you assign sequence numbers in increments of 10.  That way, you have spaced them to allow for the addition of other tasks once uploaded.  You can always edit the sequence numbers in table format once you have performed the upload.

Column C: Header = Task Name

Content: The name of the task as it should appear.

Column D: Header = Process

Content: Repeat the name of the process for each task.  Use your copy function to insure the name is exact, or a separate process will be created for the one task that has a typo in the process name.

Column E: Header = Role

Content: The exact name of the role to hold the task.  A role will be created in 9yahds if this role does not already exist.  The user performing the upload will be assigned to any new roles initially.  If you are using the same role name for multiple tasks, be sure you use the same exact name each time, or you will create extra roles reflecting those 'typos'. (Example: Saple Assistant will create a new role in addition to Sample Assistant).

Column F: Header = Estimated Duration

Content: The numerical value for the duration in minutes.  Use durations available within the 9yahds drop down and convert to minutes.  (i.e. 1 hour = 60; 1 day = 1440)  If you do not use an available duration, it will choose the closest (i.e. if by mistake you import 20, it will assign 30).

Column G: Header = Description

Content: The text to appear as the description of the task.  You will need to add URLs and attach documents once you have uploaded the process.

Column H: Header = Team

Content: The name of the team the process is assigned to.  If this is a new team, it will be created when you import the file.  New roles included will be assigned to this team as well.  Similar to the process title, you must insure that you use exactly the same team name for each task.  Use the copy function to avoid errors.




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