HICS Job Action Sheets and Forms Download


Using our Import Data function, the entire set of HICS Job Action Sheets can easily be imported to your account of strake/IR. When importing a process file, the team that the process is assigned to and the roles holding each task on that team will be created along with the process import. You will need only to identify the team leader for the newly created team.  Please see our Data Import Overview for more detail.

The following three files include all of the necessary information needed to import the HICS Job Action Sheets into 9yahds!  Download the forms and upload each one into the Knowledge Base.  Once you've imported the processes via the Excel file, task descriptions will indicate which Forms to link to which tasks.  Specific tasks require the user to review their JAS, so these have been provided as well, to be uploaded into your Knowledge Base and attached to those tasks as indicated.

Your 9yahds team is happy to support the import of HICS into your account of strake/IR and provide you the training you need to be successful!  Contact us at support@9yahds.com for help today!



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